
Commonwealth Immigration Consultants
Authorised for UK immigration advice by the Immigration Advice Authority (Registration Number F200100020)

November 1, 2018 Immigration news

UK Immigration – new application procedure

November 2018 is the month when the Home Office will start to radically change how UK visa applications are submitted within the UK. Up to now applicants could complete a paper form (or an online form in some categories) and either post the entire application pack to the Home Office or attend a same day appointment at a Home Office Premium Service Centre. The new process will mean that nearly all applications will move to an online form only. This will allow applicants to complete

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October 15, 2018 Immigration news

Immigrant Health Surcharge to double in December

The annual fee that migrants pay for access to the UK National Health Service will be doubled from December 2018 (exact date to be determined). The government have announced that the Immigrant Health Surcharge (IHS) will be increased from £200 to £400 per annum. The IHS was first introduced in 2015 and is paid by all non EU migrants coming to the UK for more than 6 months. It is paid in advance at the point of visa application. So, for example an applicant for

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September 28, 2018 Immigration news

Australia – migration updates

The Pass Mark for Skilled Migration to Australia has recently been increased from 60 to 65 points. This new requirement relates to those applying in the following visa subclasses; Subclass 189 Skilled Independent Subclass 190 Skilled Sponsored Subclass 489 Skilled Regional Sponsored Meanwhile the Australian government have decided that the number of places available for Parent visas in the 2018-2019 year shall remain the same. This relates to those applying under the Contributory Parent and non Contributory Parent subclasses.  

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September 14, 2018 Immigration news

UK citizenship – how do absences from the UK affect an application ?

We seem to get asked this question a lot ! Example – I have been living in the UK since 2009 but my absences exceed 450 days in the last 5 years, can I apply for citizenship ? The Home Office does frequently exercise discretion to disregard absences above the normal thresholds. If you are married to or in a civil partnership with a British citizen then the normal level of days you can be outside the UK comes to 270 days in the preceding

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August 29, 2018 Immigration news

Australia – skilled occupation lists

For those looking to migrate to Australia, the various skilled occupation lists can often be quite baffling in trying to comprehend what occupations are on what list. There are several different occupation lists such as; Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL), Short-term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL) Regional Occupation List (ROL) Each list relates to specific visa subclasses such as the Skilled Independent visa or the Skilled Regional (Provisional) visa. Now all relevant occupations have been collated and included in one list. This also provides

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August 16, 2018 Immigration news

“Settled Status” for EU citizens

“Settled Status” for EU citizens The government has published new details on the rollout of the new “Settled Status” for EU citizens. This is the scheme which will allow EU citizens (including those from the EEA member states and Switzerland) and their families to secure their residence in the UK post Brexit. The scheme is being launched on a pilot voluntary basis for EU students and staff at 3 Liverpool universities, and workers at 12 NHS Trusts in the North West of England. This is

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July 26, 2016 Immigration news

Australia – Queensland launches new Occupation List for State Sponsorship

Effective 25 July 2016 the Queensland state government in Australia has launched a new occupation list for State Sponsored visas. This applies to visa subclass 489 and subclass 190. See this weblink for more information; http://migration.qld.gov.au/skilled-migration-queensland/

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